Berikan terjemahan pandangan minda anda tentang kedua-dua ayat ini.
"You can't have a better tomorow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. "
"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can be achieve."
Harga Terbaru Produk Vken 2015
9 years ago
18 komen:
ayat 1:
KEYWORDS kat sini "ALL THE TIME".. klau "SOMETIMES" xpe laa
ayat 2:
pasal ayat ni laa 78.93% orang masuk wad gila!! (sumber:
Minda sebenarnya terhad, jangan over conceived. klau terlebih, boleh jadi gila atau kecewa kemudian gila.
tapi ni semua pandangan aku je laa..
amoii..mane?mane? wa dekat mana nie?? aiyaaakk mata wa silau! pink!pink!pink!..cantek ma.. aiyaa itu ayat dia punya maksud samalah dengan ayat "apa beza -end- dgn -finished-"
yang ayat 1st tu... ape yg kita paham... JANGAN TERLALU 'HIDUP' DALAM KENANGAN LALU... ayat 2nd... tak dapat dikesan... huhu...
Life goes on dear!live life to the fullest..:)
"You can't have a better tomorow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. "
~teringat pada ceramah Dr. Fadzillah Kamsah. Orang yang bodoh adalah orang yang hari ini lebih teruk dari hari yang semalam. Bukannya kita tidak boleh lansung thinking bout the past, but past is just d memories to remember but not the thing that u must focus all of ur day. Learn from the mistakes from the past and should and have learn from that to get a better life in future.
"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can be achieve."
~Nothings impossible in this world. We can do and achieve anything if we gonna try hard to achive it. All that its in our hand. Pppl just can advise, but the decision its in our hand.
mmm... jadi betulla yg 1st tu? ok.
pasal 78.93% org masuk wad giler tu kajian dri sumber mane? tolong perjelaskan king.
thanks puji blog sy yg pink ni cantek... =). kedua2 ayat tu sama dgn perbezaan "end" dan "finished"? mmm... tlg jelaskan awk, sdkit blurla.
betul tu.jgn hidup dgn kenangan lalu. but kenangan lalu yg mendewasakan kita. if xde kenangan lalu, xdela kita yg skrg. jdi kte kene based on kenangan lalu jugak. cam ne tu aria?
ya, u r right liyana. life goes on. but it depends whether we can be improve or just same as yesterday. right?
sume yg diela katakan benar belaka.i suka penjelasan u. thanks so much. i will try to apply it to my daily life. =)
finish = end = complete
Kalau tak silap gua la.
Weyh, bini ko suruh balik awal. Haha.
huu..ngak ngerti buk..mahapkan daku..
I do agree wif the 1st sentence. Put your face to the future, and walk into it. But its ok to look backwards once or twice to find yourself again. =)
-phu cai-
benarkah begitu jawapannya?
mcm tiada kepastian je.
-kimie busuk-
ngapain kamu nggak ngerti ni?
harus dingertiin jga...tlg.
-a t i q a h-
u r my dear atiqah. hope dat we will apply it to our life journey dat full of colors.
hmm Diela..
Dr Fadhilah interpreate dr Sabda Nabi tu..
org yg beruntung: hari ini lebih baik drpd semalam
org yang sia-sia/lalai: hari ini sama mcm semalam
org yg celaka/rugi: hari ini lebih teruk drpd semalam
akal kena dipandukan dgn iman gak kan.
klu akal ckp aku blh jd penyanyi dangdut yg termasyor?
klu akal ckp minum 1 gelas champaign tentu x mabuk?
klu akal ckp blh jer jd kaya klu jual dadah, x kene tangkap punya?
will u proceed?
nope. because i still have my iman. thanks so much 4 ur opinion n explanation king.
Then, don't dwell on the past. Learn to let go things. Believe me, you'll be happy for the rest of your life.
p/s: Forget about all the bad memories and live a happy life:)
Wa punye tok gulu cakap aaa end is when u complete the job,when u don't complete the job u'r finished..aiyaaa..wa pun talak paham ma apa wa tulis.. ahakss..
aiseh...otak krem plak...hehhe
Ronda ronda sambil ngular kat opis :)
thanks 4 ur advice..i harap yg lain juga ble follow nasihat u ni..
nape dgn awk ni? mcm hampir2 nak gila ni. jgnla kerana 2 ayat tu awk jdi cam ni..
pening? why?
otak krem? bgila idea jugk. xpe, nnt i pun jalan2 lawat u.
yeap. i was in 19 masa dengar ceramah tu. neway, thanx.
i may not know the details of ur prob act, but whatever it is, u must be strong. look at ur future life. life its an easy, dont make it so difficult k. cheer up dear :)
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